Who is Matt Ward?

I have always believed that people do business with who they know, like and trust.  So I thought I would tell you today about who I am so you know me as a person.  That might make you run, but hopefully you won’t! I was born in Cheverly, Maryland.  At age 10, I...

My Reflection

Today… I turn 40… and so, I sat alone this past weekend, pondering where I have been, where I have come from, where I am today, and where I am heading in my life. I reflect on this day annually since 2002 as a day of mourning and remembrance for those that...

Stop, Collaborate and Listen

Matt is back with a brand new edition… a new blog… talking about just that… Collaboration. I have found in my business life that more success occurs when people collaborate. Think about it for a second. It makes sense. More people = more ideas. More ideas = more...