Our Process

Plan. Create. Orchestrate.

You can be confident in knowing that your website will be handled in a professional and orderly way. inConcert is proud to say that we are the only web development company around that manages website projects with our extensive 70 step process.

The following describes the basic phases of our process:

  • Defining Phase: During this stage, we need to find out as much about your company and its products and/or services as we can. Our account representatives will help you decide what functions and applications would be most beneficial to have on your website. To determine what type of design will fit your needs, we meet with you to complete a design brief.
  • Content and Design Phase: Initially we meet with you to determine content and navigation for your website. Upon approval of the content and navigation, the content and design brief is submitted to the Graphic Design Department. From this design brief, a custom layout is created and a ”mock-up” of what your home page will look like is sent for your review. Upon approval, we then create an interior page design. Final approval and sign-off on both of these designs is required to advance to the next phase.
  • Coding and Buildout Phase: After receiving the design sign-off, the design is sent to our Coding Department. At this point, we conduct a Mid-Project meeting with you to review the functionality of your website before coding it. During this stage, functionality is added to your website. All content, including imagery, will be loaded into the pages. Note: Any changes made to the design from this point forward will result in a “Change Order” and require additional billing.
  • Testing and Deployment Phase: This phase is strictly dedicated to testing your now functioning website and making sure all links, applications and forms work properly. Before the website goes live, written final approval and sign-off from you is required.
  • Maintenance and Marketing Phase: Your website is now live, where do you go from here? We offer various website maintenance plans to help keep your website fresh and working properly. In addition, we offer plans to help you market your company. We maintain our websites on a monthly basis.

Our motto is “Plan. Create. Orchestrate.” As you can see by the detailed description of our process phases, we thoroughly plan out what needs to happen with each project, we then execute our plan to create the website, print or promotional item, and finally, we encourage you to let us help you “orchestrate” your marketing materials so they all work in harmony together, thus bringing you more business.

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