by inConcert Web | Mar 31, 2014 | Social Media
One of the most recent and noticeable updates to Facebook in recent weeks is the addition of a birthday notification. Now, just like the notification from a comment on your status, you’ll get a little red reminder at the top of your screen that today is...
by inConcert Web | Mar 10, 2014 | Social Media
Ever since Facebook changed the fundamentals of their news feed algorithm, brands have been watching their reach statistics plummet. Social media experts declared that brands with Facebook business pages should expect to reach only 16% of the people that have clicked...
by inConcert Web | Mar 3, 2014 | Social Media
This question is frequently asked by people who are thinking about getting involved in social media for business, but don’t know much about the different networks. My answer to them is usually “the network that you use”. Let me elaborate on that...
by inConcert Web | Jan 13, 2014 | Social Media
With such frequent changes to social networks’ security and privacy settings, it’s a really, really good idea to review your accounts periodically. Protecting your privacy and personal data online is not just an option – it’s a responsibility....
by inConcert Web | Jan 2, 2014 | Social Media
Ahhh, New Year’s Resolutions. Why do people make them? Does anybody actually succeed in maintaining their intentions throughout the rest of the year? Studies in past years have shown that while 45% of polled Americans usually make New Year’s Resolutions,...
by inConcert Web | Dec 23, 2013 | Social Media
Now that Facebook has jumped on board the hashtag wagon (hashtwagon? …no?), there’s no reason for your company not to follow suit. The hashtag, although publicly decried in the media as an annoyance, can be a powerful tool if you use it the right way. The...