by inConcert Web | Oct 16, 2015 | Search Engine Optimization, Website Maintenance
I often come across websites that have an IFrame in them. IFrames, for those who may not be aware, are a rather simple solution to pulling content from one external website, into the current website you are viewing. Within minutes a programmer, web developer, or high...
by inConcert Web | Jun 29, 2015 | News, Search Engine Optimization, Web 101
Have you heard of the recent changes Google has made for Google Search on mobile devices like phones and tablets? First off, these changes reflect the kind of attitude that has shifted towards mobile devices. These days, compatibility is the number one focus for all...
by Jon Skinner | Apr 30, 2015 | News, Search Engine Optimization, Web 101
On April 21st, Google rolled out changes to their mobile search in favor of responsive or mobile-friendly websites. This combined with the fact that mobile traffic has grown leaps and bounds over the past year, means a mobile-friendly site is a necessary asset to your...
by inConcert Web | Mar 26, 2015 | Search Engine Optimization, Web 101
One basic search optimization mistake we run into frequently is webmasters and website owners confusing meta tags with keywords. They are NOT the same thing. As we mentioned in another post, meta description tags are brief summaries describing the content of an...
by inConcert Web | Mar 12, 2015 | Search Engine Optimization, Web 101
Many webmasters and website owners sometimes overlook meta description tags, often because after working long and hard on website design and content, they think they’re done and ready to launch or post. The truth is, if they consciously or unconsciously skip...
by inConcert Web | Mar 9, 2015 | Blogging, Search Engine Optimization, Web 101
Today, 94% of consumers and businesses search the internet before buying a new product or service. They submit their keywords for search and get a list of relevant websites in return. People tend to visit websites that are at the top of these lists, because they...