Lately we’ve been talking a lot about mobile devices because people are using their smartphones more often than ever before to look  up local information throughout their daily lives – in fact, nineteen out of every twenty people have searched for local information on their smartphone according to “The Mobile Movement: Understanding Smartphone Users,” a study from Google and conducted by Ipsos OTX, an independent market research firm, among 5,013 US adult smartphone Internet users at the end of 2010 (learn more here).

People love the convenience of being able to find the details they need without going out of their way. Here are five undeniable reasons to go mobile on your company’s website.

5. Your business is B2C (business to customer). Who spends time on smartphones? Individuals. If your business is B2B (business to business), chances are good that your web traffic is coming from desktop computers in various offices. Sure, these employees might have smartphones, but personal mobile devices are unlikely to be used for conducting work business. If you are targeting the individual consumer, you may be driving away potential clients without a proper mobile site.

4. Your target market is young. It’s undeniable that younger adults use their mobile devices far more than their older counterparts. This same crowd expects more flexibility in the websites that they use. If your business depends on fostering interaction with anyone under 35, investing in a mobile portion of your website can make all the difference in the world!

3. Clients or business partners frequently visit your facility. Out of adults ages 18 and older, a whopping 74% of them reported using their smartphones for looking up directions or contact information while they are on the go. If your facility is hard to find, you’ll be losing customers because they will go for your competitors instead of navigating your frustrating website.

2. Products or services can be purchased via your website. Over the last few years, literally billions of dollars have been spent via mobile transactions. Not participating in this market could be your downfall. If someone is shopping on their phone and can’t purchase what they want from your site, why should they exhibit any loyalty to you? They will most likely move on and make their purchase from a competitor.

1. Google indexes mobile content separately. That’s why Google will give you separate search results if you’re using a desktop computer than if you were using a mobile device. With fewer other indexed sites, you’ll have a greater chance of rising to the top of results related to your industry.

Give us a call today for a free responsive web analysis to see how you’re doing. We can help!