What is your website marketing budget?  The typical response I get to that question is “HUH?”  So I often repeat the question.  Many people still have no idea what I mean nor have they ever thought about it.  Website marketing and maintenance have evolved over the past few years.  It used to be that you didn’t have to market your website much at all, but no more.  Now, the first thing I tell clients is that building the website is the first step in a long process of building an effective website.  You cannot just stop the process after the first step.  You need to complete the entire process, as you would with any project.

When defining your Website Marketing Budget, I advise folks to make it 20% of your overall marketing budget, as a minimum.  If your site is your sole driver of sales, then of course this number needs to be much higher than 20%, it might need to be 70% or even 80%.

Defining what goes into your website marketing budget is usually pretty simple, here are few items that you should find within your budget:

  • PPC Advertising
  • Link Building Costs
  • Website Maintenance Plan Costs
  • Banner Advertising
  • Content Writer
  • Code and Content updates

Like anything, if you plan accordingly, your website can be very effective.  With a proper budget, you can continue to grow your website, and make it more effective each and every day.  If you need someone to help you work through your budget, just contact us, I would be happy to assist you.