I want to share with you five tips that all lawyers and law firms need to have for an effective website. Did you know that your website is one of the most important marketing tools you have?
Take a few minutes to make sure your site measures up. I know that not having enough time is probably your biggest pain point, but believe me this is one step you can’t skip.
Stay with me for these necessary top 5 tips and your surprise free gift.
Contact Forms, and Process Forms on your website will help gather important details, and save you time. These make a big difference for an effective website. Make sure you have those forms on your website, and make sure they work.
Make sure you have an updated staff page for your website. Show pictures of your employees, people want to do business with people they know, like, and trust.
Put logo’s for the organizations and chambers, that you participate in or support. Social Proof is helping take the fear out of the unknown for new prospects. Proving that you work well with others, and support networking and business.
All Law Practice Websites need to have testimonials. Trust and Credibility is what you need to help clients choose the right lawyer, and a good testimonial page will help them choose you.
Make your website welcoming and approachable. Be confident, not cocky. Be open, not stiff. Be warm, not cold. Make it easier for prospects to pick you!
Those are the five tips to make an effective lawyer based website. If you want to see how your website stands up to these tips, submit your information below, and receive your free website audit, normally our website audits would cost you $99, but today we are offering it to you free of charge. I will personally audit your website, and have a quick ½ hour call letting you know what I think you could do to make your website better.