Is your website working for you? Your website should always be a work in progress. Just like your lungs need air, your website needs changes. New pages, updated information, better quality photo’s are some of what is necessary to keep your site current in today’s ever changing world.
Key Phrases: Your goal should be to increase the number of keyphrase specific content on the site to attract the right kind of visitors. Taking the time to pick the correct words/phrases and using them will increase traffic to your website. Having this information on a report is necessary to know what’s working.
Site Visits: See how many people visited your site this month, and more specifically how many of the visitors were new prospects. Keeping track of these numbers, and having a goal for the future will help to motivate you, or your marketing professionals.
Pages viewed and time on site: Is your website putting out enough information to keep your prospect’s interested? What pages are they going to the most. What pages are never visited, and could use a new look with new ideas? Keep informed and get the most out of your website.
Google pages indexed: Increasing your ranking will increase revenue! The number of google pages indexed for your website is used in the algorithms by Google for ranking. Getting that number up, combined with other factors will get you listed, and you want to be first!
Form submissions: Are your forms producing new prospects. Increasing form submissions directly relates to increasing sales. It’s important to look at quality vs non quality submissions. Are the prospects what you were looking for, or trying to sell you something.
Reading and reacting to your report results will improve your overall website traffic, form submissions, and your bottom line. We hope that helps you understand why report’s about your website do matter! Here at inConcert Web Solutions we have many plans that include reports.