Currently, in the digital age where information technology has taken a firm hold of the globe’s attention, numerous online businesses/companies are prioritizing effective web strategies. From the looks of it, they face a forceful resistance from the web marketplace. With an array of tools and techniques at their disposal, pinpointing and employing the right methods of contact creation, lead generation, and conversion is most usually too overwhelming.
Can you guess a particular instance or tactic that can push you in the right direction towards achieving all the three objectives above? That’s right! Being a well ranked, top listed website on the most popular search engines.
That brings us to the question of how to be a ranked website on google?
SEO and how it works?
First things first – Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving your content in order to attract more visitors from search engine results.
Google ranking is based on how reliable the information on the website is, the number of backlinks related to the website and the strong keywords used throughout the content.
Search engines are becoming smarter every day. They can even read through and analyze the content you have created and this helps them rank your website on Google.
It is all about content creation
Creating new content is a great way to get your website ranked on Google. The more content you create – the higher the number of backlinks to your website there will be. The more you use effective keywords, the higher your chances of getting your website ranked in Google.
The main focus of the content should be a balance between the quantity of pages and blogs created and the quality of that content. Make sure you understand the needs of your target customer. Create your content around his/her needs and interests, talk about WHAT bothers them and intrigue them with HOW their problems can be solved.
Also, when creating a new piece of content, try to mimic the language of your target audience. This will not only help you get your website ranked on Google, but also will attract the most appropriate visitors and convert them into customers.

While using the right keyword, your chances to be ranked on Google increase dramatically. Conversely, when using a weak keyword, it is very hard to achieve ORGANIC rankings on Google. As mentioned before, search engines are getting smarter. Now they can read through the entire text on a web page and even understand the content of it. To use this feature to your benefit, try to use different variations of your primary keyword throughout the text. For example, as in the case of ‘sport shoes for women’, try using ‘women’s sports shoes’, ‘fitness shoes for women’ or ‘gym shoes for girls’.
Promoting your content
Promotion of your content is a very important step that should be worked on, on your way to being organically listed on Google. On average, the time spent on promotion should be equal to the time you have spent on creating a particular piece of content.
How to promote effectively?
- Share your content on social media
- Send emails and newsletters to existing and potential customers with read more links back to your content.
- Ask your colleagues to share the content
- Try to get other reliable websites to link back (backlinks) to your content
By promoting your content, you are generating more traffic to your website and gaining valuable backlinks to your website. This, in turn, will help you get your website ranked in Google.
We believe that analysis should be an obligatory part of every single activity related to your marketing strategy. The analysis is vital for improvement, as it keeps track of all the mistakes and additionally provides insights into particular marketing activity outcomes.
Considering search engine ranking, analysis can show you exactly which online marketing techniques are scoring high and which can be improved.
All in all, these tips will set you on track towards making drastic positive improvements to your online marketing strategy. Keep these recommendations in mind, while creating new content and working on different web marketing related tasks. It will definitely help you on your journey towards getting your website ranked well in Google.