Here at inConcert Web Solutions, our tagline is “bringing it all together”. That’s because there are so many ways that we can help people grow their companies and spread the word about their services! However, we often talk to people who have no idea what we can do for them. In terms of print and promotional items, the sky is the limit!
Even in your everyday, run-of-the-mill interactions with people, there are a lot of clues you can catch that mean we could be of help. Keep your ears peeled for these phrases, and you may be able to give your friend a solution to their problems!
5. “I ran out of business cards.” Good news for these people – we offer business cards! We pride ourselves on high quality work and we know you’ll be satisfied with the cards you get from us, but we’ll still give you a chance to try them out first! It’s important to have a nice business card because it contributes to your first impression on others while you’re networking. You want to impress them.
4. “My office moved and now my company’s literature lists the wrong address.” With our in-house graphic designer as well as several employees with years of experience with print products and marketing, we are confident that we can help you recreate any of your marketing literature to make sure the information you’re sharing is up to date. In fact, we may even be able to offer suggestions for improvements to help grow your business!
3. “I was thinking about advertising with postcards.” We have helped a great many companies launch direct mail campaigns, and we cover all the bases – we’ll help design the images and layout of the postcard, write the text to accompany it, and orchestrate the mailing. We’ve even addressed envelopes by hand for a client before, just to give their mailing a personal touch.
2. “I’ve got a trade show coming up.” Do you know what you’re going to have in your booth? Do you have display pieces that are both eye-catching and informative? What about giveaway swag with your logo? When you participate in a trade show, you have to remember that there are going to be a lot of other people there, trying to market to the same audience
1. “I don’t think my logo is right for my company.” Talking to our graphic designer might help you figure out exactly why you don’t like your existing logo, which can help in designing a replacement. A good logo can go a long ways for a company, as many become iconic in pop culture. Think about the golden arches (McDonalds), the rounded checkmark (Nike), or the red and white target (Target). You, too, could have a readily recognizable icon tied into your company’s branding.
Contact us today or connect us with anyone who needs help, and we can get started right away!