What’s the deal with hashtags?

As you may have noticed, Facebook has recently implemented a feature that is both new and old – the hashtag. This little symbol has been given many names over the years, including “hash sign”, “number sign”, “pound symbol”, “tic-tac-toe thingy” and my personal (and...

Five Tricks for Trade Shows

Trade shows can be a great way to put yourself out there and generate some new leads for your business.  There’s just something about that face-to-face interaction that does wonders. Here at inConcert Web Solutions, we’re all about making everything work...

Website Marketing Budget

What is your website marketing budget?  The typical response I get to that question is “HUH?”  So I often repeat the question.  Many people still have no idea what I mean nor have they ever thought about it.  Website marketing and maintenance have evolved over the...